Client FAQs

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Frequently Asked Questions

What technologies do you work on?
We work on basically all technologies pertaining to Information Technology industry. To know more about in details go to the Skill Sets section in Services of this site's menu.
Do you work on IT and Non IT both?
Yes We Do. Harjai Computers works on IT & our sister company, People Supply Chain ( works on Non IT.
At what rates do you provide Candidates?
The rates are based on the skill sets, education, experience & other considerations..
After how many months can we absorb the candidate?
That can be discussed on a case to case basis. We are ok to allow clients to absorb our employees on their payroll, not before completion of 1 year. However, in exceptional cases based on business demands we can allow absorption earlier as well.
How old is your Company?
We are a 19 year old organization specialized in IT Subcontracting, Outsourcing and Temp Staffing.
What is the Process of Selecting Candidates?
Firstly, Screening of the Resume is done to match with the job description. A check is done to identify fake ones at this level. This is followed by an HR Interview in which all the HR questions are asked & the Genuineness of the candidate is verified again. A technical interview is conducted to match the candidates experience with the job description. If the technical interviewer clears the candidate the resume is sent to the customer. If the resume is shortlisted by the customer, scheduling & other follow-ups are performed by our team, all the way up to the candidates joining at the customer’s site.
What is the minimum duration for which you can provide candidates?
We can provide a Candidate for minimum 3 months.
What is the maximum duration for which you can provide candidates?

There is no maximum duration. We can provide Candidates as long as you like

Do you take care of all the Statutory Obligations with respect to the employees deputed at client site?

Yes. We take care of PF, ESI, PT, TDS, Annual Bonus & all other statutory obligations of the employees at client site..

How much notice do we have to provide before releasing an employee from the client site?

The client has to provide 30 days notice before releasing any of Harjai’s Employees deputed at their site.

What happens to candidates after they have completed our Assignment?

The moment you give us the notice of releasing our employees from your project site we ask them for their latest updated resume. We broadcast the resume to all our clients who may be looking for similar employees (bench list) so that we are able to depute them at one of our other clients.

Do you have Candidates on Bench?

We normally have 10 to 15% of our employee strength on Bench at all times.

How do you communicate your bench list to all Clients?

We email a small excel sheet containing required data of all Candidates who are currently on bench or expected to come on bench in the near future. If our clients shortlist the candidates we send them their detailed resume, post which we follow normal recruitment process.

How do you appraise the candidates?

We follow normal annual appraisal process providing a salary increment on completion of one year by the employee. This appraisal is done based on the inputs provided by the respective manager of our employee.